Aquamarine Pools installs over 800 pools per year. This makes Aquamarine Pools the largest Fiberglass Pool builder in the United States. Aquamarine has up to $1,000,000 in inventory and the financial backing to handle any problem that can or could arise. Aquamarine has a 99.89% satisfaction rating.
Aquamarine is a licensed (L451994) master builder. The state of Texas does not require pool builders to be licensed. Aquamarine feels all builders should be licensed however. Builder licensing assures the public that a builder has at the very least, some basic construction skills and knowledge.
Is the pool builder you are talking to licensed? Aquamarine holds Builders Licenses in multiple states.
Aquamarine's pools and installations are ICC-ES Certified (International Construction Code Evaluating Service). What does that mean? Processes and procedures are followed through the manufacturing and installation process. This makes a quick and quality installation swimming pool process. Is the pool builder you are talking to ICC-ES Certified?
Aquamarine Pools is the builder of choice for inground fiberglass swimming pools and is a select Aviva Pools Dealer and Latham Pools Dealer.
Although the decision to install an in-ground swimming pool may be a no-brainer in most areas of Texas, the details of that are anything but cut and dried. Gunite seems to be the favored, "go-to, tried and true" pool material for Texans, but when you take a closer look at fiberglass composite, you may decide that "just because it's always been done that way" doesn't make Gunite the best choice.
By weighing and comparing all the facts about costs, installation, durability and features for both Gunite and fiberglass pools, Texas homeowners can make logical and informed decisions that are right for their families. Let's start with an overview of these two pool options.
Concrete, often referred to as Gunite, as a pool building material has been a popular choice in Texas until recent years. Gunite is a mixture of sand and concrete that is sprayed onto surfaces at high velocity. It is helpful to understand the steps for installing a concrete/Gunite pool as part of the decision-making process:
Note: From excavation through curing to finishing touches, Gunite pool construction can take anywhere from 75 to 90 days, depending on local specifications and the pool installer’s standards. And that’s not accounting for any weather delays that happen in the area.
Fiberglass is a type of sturdy, resin mix that is reinforced with composite glass fibers. It is an ideal material for swimming pools because it is smooth, non-porous, strong and flexible. Fiberglass Composite pools are precision-made by applying resin, fiberglass and other composite strengtheners in layers to a prefabricated mold. As an example, Viking Pools, one of the leading manufacturers of fiberglass swimming pools, creates its pools using a 10-stage process that layers fiberglass multiple times with Vinyl Ester Resin (for durability and strength), a sturdy core of ceramic, carbon fibers or more fiberglass (for added strength), and embedded vertical support beams (for structure, strength and ease in lifting). The finished pools are shipped in one piece to the installation site.
... much more to this article if the full Fiberglass vs Concrete eBook below!
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