Aquamarine Pools installs over 800 pools per year. This makes Aquamarine Pools the largest Fiberglass Pool builder in the United States. Aquamarine has up to $1,000,000 in inventory and the financial backing to handle any problem that can or could arise. Aquamarine has a 99.89% satisfaction rating.
Aquamarine is a licensed (L451994) master builder. The state of Texas does not require pool builders to be licensed. Aquamarine feels all builders should be licensed however. Builder licensing assures the public that a builder has at the very least, some basic construction skills and knowledge.
Is the pool builder you are talking to licensed? Aquamarine holds Builders Licenses in multiple states.
Aquamarine's pools and installations are ICC-ES Certified (International Construction Code Evaluating Service). What does that mean? Processes and procedures are followed through the manufacturing and installation process. This makes a quick and quality installation swimming pool process. Is the pool builder you are talking to ICC-ES Certified?
Aquamarine Pools is the builder of choice for inground fiberglass swimming pools and is a select Aviva Pools Dealer and Latham Pools Dealer.
See a PDF version original Concrete Pool Popping News Letter here.
Also see the pool popping video here.
For years opponents of fiberglass pools have used the popular myth that fiberglass pools are inferior to other type of traditional inground pools such as concrete/gunite or vinyl lined pools because they state that the fiberglass pool will pop out of the ground. These same people like to state it is because of the light weight of fiberglass and the heavier weight of concrete prevents this. This myth is not true, even a concrete pool can pop out of the ground. A pool popping out of the ground is caused by ground water and draining of the pool’s water. The physics of an inground pool popping out of the ground is simple: Once the hydraulic pressure on the outside of any sealed vessel (example, concrete pool, fiberglass pool, vinyl liner pools or even a aircraft carrier) is equal or greater than the water inside the vessel the vessel must obey the laws of physics and float. Any reputable pool installer will install a “sump crock De-Watering System” to prevent ground water and to keep the pool from popping out of the ground.
Below is a jpg version of the original pool popping news-letter. Click on one of the images to see a larger version of it.
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