Aquamarine Pools installs over 800 pools per year. This makes Aquamarine Pools the largest Fiberglass Pool builder in the United States. Aquamarine has up to $1,000,000 in inventory and the financial backing to handle any problem that can or could arise. Aquamarine has a 99.89% satisfaction rating.
Aquamarine is a licensed (L451994) master builder. The state of Texas does not require pool builders to be licensed. Aquamarine feels all builders should be licensed however. Builder licensing assures the public that a builder has at the very least, some basic construction skills and knowledge.
Is the pool builder you are talking to licensed? Aquamarine holds Builders Licenses in multiple states.
Aquamarine's pools and installations are ICC-ES Certified (International Construction Code Evaluating Service). What does that mean? Processes and procedures are followed through the manufacturing and installation process. This makes a quick and quality installation swimming pool process. Is the pool builder you are talking to ICC-ES Certified?
Aquamarine Pools is the builder of choice for inground fiberglass swimming pools and is a select Aviva Pools Dealer and Latham Pools Dealer.
The Pool and Spa top 50 builders uses a rating system to rank builders based on GROSS REVENUE. In other words, how much money they can remove from the homeowners pocket book. Instead of using a corrupt ranking system of how much revenue corporations can generate why not use a rating system based on how many customers you serve WELL.
Aquamarine is the Top In ground Fiberglass builder in the country based on number of pools sold, and number one in quality. In fact, Aquamarine Pools of Houston is the only large volume pool builder with virtually NO COMPLAINTS. That's right, after years of operation we have an OUTSTANDING reputation. That says it all.
Doing business today is not like 10 years ago. If you did a bad job the home owner was upset and would tell his friends and family. Today a home owner has access to the world wide web and within five minutes can tell the world. You had better do a good job and treat people fairly, offer a great product at a great price, and if there is a problem, fix it.
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